Abraham As Ezample
1 Na wetin Abraham awa grand-grand papa learn from dis matter?
2 If na di good tins wey e do make am dey good for God eye, den e suppose to dey boast for pipol, but e nor go ever fit boast for God.
3 Wetin dem rite for God word? “Abraham bilive God thru faith and God kon si am as raitious pesin.”
4 Wen pesin work, dem must pay am en money, nor bi dash e bi, but na money wey e work for.
5 Doz wey nor depend on wetin dem dey do, but dem get faith and bilive sey God dey forgive sinnas, na dis faith God dey use take forgive dem dia sins.
6 David tok di same tin wen e tok about di blessing wey pesin dey get wen God don asept am, even doh dem nor deserve dat kind blessing. David still sey,
7 “God don bless pipol wey E forgive
kon take dia sins komot.
8 God don bless di pesin
wey E don forgive en sins!”
9 Dis blessing wey David dey tok about so, na only Jew pipol e tok am for, bikos dem sekonsaiz dem? No! Na still for Gentile pipol wey dem nor sekonsaiz. Bikos wi read for God word sey, “Abraham bilive God and bikos of en faith, God kon asept am as raitious pesin.”
10 Na wen all dis tins take happen? Na before dem sekonsaiz Abraham or afta dem sekonsaiz am? Na before, nor bi afta dem sekonsaiz am!
11 But leta, dem sekonsaiz am. Dis sign show sey, bikos of en faith, God don si am as raitious pesin, so dat e go bi papa to evribody wey bilive God, pipol wey God don asept, even doh dem neva sekonsaiz.
12 Doz wey don sekonsaiz, na Abraham bi dia papa and dia faith bi like en own, afta dem sekonsaiz am.
How To Get God Promise
13 Wen God promise Abraham and en shidren sey dem go inherit di whole world, E do am, nor bi bikos Abraham dey obey di law, but bikos e bilive God and God si am as raitious pesin.
14 If God promise na for only doz wey dey obey di law, den faith nor mean anytin and God promise go dey yuzles.
15 Di law dey bring God vexnashon, bikos where sin nor dey, law nor go dey.
16 Na dis one make God promise dey kom by faith and wi dey get am thru favor. Nor bi only pipol wey dey obey di law bi Abraham shidren, but pipol wey bilive God like Abraham, naim en shidren dem bi too, bikos na Abraham bi awa spiritual papa.
17 God word sey, “I don make yu papa for many nashons.” So for God eye, Abraham na awa papa, bikos e get faith for God wey get pawa to raiz pipol wey don die and to kommand tins wey nor dey before, like sey dem dey.
18 Even wen tins hard, Abraham still bilive God and e hope sey God go do am, even wen e bi like sey nor-tin go happen. But naw, e don bikom, “Papa for many nashons.” Just as God tell am, “Yor shidren go many like di stars wey dey heaven.”
19 Abraham nor komplain for one day, even wen e don old nearly rish hundred years. Even doh E know sey en body don nearly die and en wife Sarah nor go fit born again,
20 e nor doubt God promise. En faith make am strong and e tank God for evritin.
21 E dey sure sey God go do wetin E promise.
22 Na dis make God koll am raitious pesin.
23 Even doh God koll am “Raitious pesin”, E tok dis word bikos of only Abraham?
24 No! E tok am for wi too wey God go still asept as raitious pipol; wi wey bilive sey God raiz Jesus Christ from deat.
25 Na awa sins make God give Jesus Christ to dem make dem kill-am and God raiz am from deat, so dat e go make us raitious pipol.