Molwe Hafsuwel Kkamchol Babior We
1 Yodwe Fadiyel Saaf we ye hachuya molwe hafsuwel kkamchol babior we ngo be setab loh awa le tor mele si rongrong mo woal laeng.
2 Iwe ngo isa wiri angelus kowe fismol le re su mo imol Deus ngo resa ngaler fusuw rappa.
3 Sa budoh semal angelus le ye hasi sew tohog kowe liliyel incense; ye budoh sala su irel altar we. Iwe ngo resa hacholpa incense le re ngaley bo yebe chila ngal mapel kala yar panger mekla lol Deus, la yebe tap maligach woal altar hoal la ye mel mo imol chiya la liliyer tamol.
4 Sa bidah burahol incense we ye mel lal mokwe paol angelus we ye su mo imol Deus, le burah we ye dabey dah mapel kowe yar mokwe lol Deus.
5 Iwe ngo angelus we sa hasi tohogol incense we, yesa hayeda ngal yaef mo irel altar we, yesa hacchifi diy woal talop. Iwe ngo sa ngung parr, ngo ye ffis, ngo ye falmor.
Rappa Kowe
6 Iwe ngo angelus kowe fismol we re hasi rappa kowe fusuw resa hafler bo re bele haddigi.
7 Iwe metamol angelus sa haddigi rappa we yal. Sa ppotog diy ice le ye wochog faesmah, mo yaef le ye pad ngal ccha, sa ppung diy wol talop. Sedep mo irel mala hasolmadpil hasisiyal talop le, le pangal loh ngo ye fisngeg loh, ngo wol ila sengal chog ire mo pangal fadil.
8 Iwe ngo molwe harumalel angelus sa haddigi rappa we yal. Iwe ngo resa hallifididiy, sew formel le ye wochog sew tayit le hamtagtog le ye bbulbul, leted. Iwe sedep mo irel mala soldep le hasisiyal tad ila sa mel loh bo ccha.
9 Sew mo irel tteyel mael leted kala suluw, mo irel pangal loh mael leted kala re molow, ngo panger ngo re mes loh; ngo sew mo irel hayyagel barko kala suluw irel pangal loh barko, ngo ye wol towas loh.
10 Iwe ngo molwe hasolmolol angelus sa haddigi rappa we yal. Iwe ngo sefeas fis le ye palleng ngo ye bbulbul le ye wochog sew dul, sa ppung diy mo lal laeng, sa ppung diy wol mala hasluwel hasisiyal pangal mololul mo chael ka ye bididah mo falulol.
11 (Mala idel iy fis le ila “Merat.”) Iwe ngo sew mo irel mokwe suluw hayyagel pangal chael wol talop le ila yesa merat mala llal, ngo ye cholop yarmat le resa mes irel chael le re yul le ye merat mala llal.
12 Iwe ngo molwe hafamalel angelus yesa haddigi rappa we yal. Iwe ngo yesa towas yaal mo meram mo fis kala lal laeng; ila tay ma wer irel kasew yad kala suluw le resa hayyagi bo rebe ma wer iyang. Ngo tay ma wer yaal irel sew yod kala suluw le hayyagel lleral; iwe ngo tay wer meram mo fis kalay irel sew yad kala suluw le ye hayyagi bong.
13 Iwe ngo ila kalloh isala wiri ngo irongrong yalol semal raguy le ye yeyael loh lal sibol langlay. Ye hapalingi yalol le ye sor bo, “Harof hami! Harof hami! Be ifa lepal kelel hafohoy le yebe holar rechokla re mel woal talop irel yodla bela ddig yalol rappa kala angelus kala solmol ye tugul rebe haddigi!”