Rumal Maal Fefedeg
1 Iwe ngo isala wiri semal malfefedeg le ye bidah mo luwul taed, le seg taelengal le ye wochog taelengel karbow ngo fusuw chemal; be sew mokwe taelengal ngo ye mel sew cholfach kowe yar tamol iyang, ngo be sew mokwe chemal ngo ye teftaf sew yid iyang le ye tayikof mo irel Deus.
2 Malfefedeg le ila ye wochog semal leopard ngo mekla pachpechael pechel ila ye wochog pachpechael pechel semal bear ngo mala yewal ila ye wochog yewal semal raywong. Dragon we sa ngaley malfefedeg we ye bidah mo luwul taed molwe kelal, mo chiya we liliyal, mo pangal mokwe lamliyal.
3 Ngo ye mel sew mo irel mokwe chemwel malfefedeg we le ye kel yal was le be yoh be mes iyang, iwe ngo sa moa molwe giltal. Panger yarmetael faileng le ngo re lluwdah irel malfefedeg le, iwe resa dabey miril.
4 Pangal yarmat ngo re kekasrowu dragon we bo yesa fang mala kelal ngal malfefedeg we semal. Yarmat re wol hasrowu malfefedeg le, iwe ngo resa sor bo, “Itey semal le be hafedeg ngal malfefedeg le? Iwe ngo itey le be yoh le yebe fedeg ngali?”
5 Iwe ngo yesa tal malfefedeg we bo yebe kapta mala ye hartael tayikof le ye kekabos iyang, ngo ye tayikof mo irel Deus, ngo ye wol tal le be yor kelal irel mekla ye foforu irel fayeg mo ruwow meram.
6 Yesa chapiy yal hapatpat tayikof irel Deus mo mala idal, mo lobola ma mel iyang, mo panger rechokla re mel woal laeng.
7 Ye wol tal le yebe fedeg ngalir mekla lol Deus, ngo ye halusur ngo ye wol yor kelal uwor pangal haleng mo lam, mo yalol pangal fuluy mo pangal matmetael yarmat.
8 Panger rechoka re mel woal talop ngo rebe hasrowu. Rechokla chog imol yodwe yebe sub faileng, ngo yesa faesul teftaf ider lal molwe babioror cho molow we yael Saaf we re limseloh, mele re towe hasrowu.
9 “Ha taelenga hare yor taelengmi!
10 Te tugul semal le ye faesul budohol le rebe dorfiy, ila ye tugul le rebe dorfiy; te tugul semal le ya faesul budohol le yebe mes irel saiden, ila ye tugul le yebe mes irel saiden. Mele ila mil mala mekla lol Deus rebe hakela chog deper irel yar tugulul ladep ngo re tagul ngal Deus.”
11 Iwe ngo isa wol wiri semal malfefedeg le ye bidah mo luwul bol. Le ruwow mekla taelengal le ye wochog taelengel fadiyel saaf kowe, iwe ngo yebe maliliy ngo ye wochog lliyalol semal dragon.
12 Iwe ngo yema tapeli molwe kelel malfefedeg we metamo irel yodla be mel irel. Iwe ngo yesa dingiy talop mo panger yarmetael talop bo rebe hasrowu molwe metamol malfefedeg.
13 Molwe harumalel malfefedeg yema foru kemal le ye ppalingling; ye foru le yebe bidiy yaef mo wol laeng sa bidiy wol talop le pangal yarmat ngo re wiri.
14 Ye kacheprar panger yarmetael talop ngal kemal kowe ye tal le yebe foru mo imol malfefedeg we metamo. Malfefedeg we sa kangalur bo rebe ffaor liyosol malfefedeg we ye was irel saiden ngo yete mes.
15 Iwe ngo molwe harumalel malfefedeg ila ye tal le yebe fang molow ngal molwe liyosol malfefedeg we metamo, bo be yoh le liyos we yebe hapatpat ngo ye limserloh panger rechokla re temchael hasrowu.
16 Molwe harumalel malfefedeg sa hakela ngalir panger rechoka re tagiyet mo ikla re totol, mo ika re mmal mo ikla re hafohoy, iwe mo slave mo ika re tal, bo rebe hagilla mekla gumchur rekala gilemra hare re hagilla wol mekla mangor.
17 Tor semal le be yoh le yebe chuwayi sew formel hare ye tap chuway sew formel le be tamel hagil le uwol. Hagil le ila mala idel malfefedeg le hare namba la ye mel bo hagillel mala idal.
18 Yebe yor yam medaf ila ngo hobe gola fal mele. Semal le ye momay lal chemal ngo be yoh le yebe gola fael namba le yael malfefedeg le, bo namba le hagilel idel semal mal ila wolbuguy mo weleg mo wolow (666).