Yal Be Tefaldoh Samol
1 Re wol maryarey, iye mele harwowel babior le itefa wey iremi. Iforu babior ka bo ibe hamangi ngalugmi chog pangal meka bo yebe bulong luluwal momay lal dipmi.
2 Idipli bo habe mamangi chog mokwe yalor profeta kowe muswe we re santus, iwe mo hatobtob kowe yael Samol ngo Demer we apostel kowe re fang ngalugmi.
3 Metamo ngo habe medaf le lal ral kala hartael ral, ngo yor tot yarmat le rebe budoh luwulumi, le rechoka ila rema dabey chog mekla deper le ye tayikof. Re bele tapelugmi kamemael
4 ngo re bele kasiy bo, “Ye hatugulu le be tefaldoh, hare te ila sengal? Ila ngo ifa iy igla? Resa rol mesloh mokwe wottemach ngo pangal formel ngo chil tapel chog yodwe ye subdoh faileng le iyang.”
5 Yesa spegil ir chog yar tay luwaley loh le Deus mele ye foru laeng mo talop. Ngo talop le ila ye ffaor mo irel chael
6 ngo wol chael mele ye hatwasiloh formel mo woal talop le. Ila chaelwe ye burloh talop le iyang.
7 Iwe ngo laeng mo talop le ye mel igla, ila Deus mele ye lamli kofal, iwe ngo yebe fisngeg loh irel yaef. Deus ye itol laeng mo talop ngal Ralla yebe hatugulu kofer rechokla rete taelenga yalol ngo iy yebe fisgirloh.
8 Re wol maryarey, ha towe maligili sew formel. Tor mele ye dil fetang mo llepdal seral mo sangeras raeg mo irel Samol; mele ruwow ila iy ye haffidgi loh chog.
9 Samol ila ye tema wumes irel yal foru mekla ye hatugulu bo yebe foru. Mekla yema hatugulu ila yete wochog mekla yarmat rema luluwaley. Bo iy ila ye far malulu ngalugmi bo yete dipli bo semal yebe mes le tor siyal. Ye dipli bo pangal yarmat ngo rebe tagul tang molfidir.
10 Ralla yebe budoh Samol ila yebe wochog yal budoh semal cho machoh, iwe ngo wol Ralla ila, bele ngung lal laeng, ngo ye fisngeg loh mekla ye mel lal laeng, iwe ngo bele towas loh. Iwe ngo faileng le mo pangal meka ye mel iyang bele moaloh.
11 Hare be iye sengal yal towas loh pangal meka, ila ngo be ifa sengal wululumi? Yami molow ila ye be momay le yebe santus ngo ha be fang ngal Deus.
12 Ngo irel yami wiwidi Ralla yebe budoh mala lamliyel Deus iyang ila habe yedamgili bo yebe ttirdoh iy Ralla. Ila Ralla yebe fisngeg, ngo ye towas loh laeng, ngo ye chael loh pangal mekla ye mel lal laeng irel bichikar.
13 Ngo gich sibe widi chog mala Deus ye hatugulu: le laeng mo talop ngo yebe tefoy tefael, le bele mel bo bugter rechokla re fel mo irel Deus.
14 Iwe ngo hami rewol maryarey, irel yami wiwidi Ralla iy, ngo habe yedamgel bo habe mel le towe yor dermi mo fael metael Deus, ngo ha mel chog luwul hopos la yal.
15 Habe luluwaley lepal yael Samol malulu ngalugmi le ye foru bo mil mala habe daor le be tappel chog mokwe Paulus we bisich ye tefawey kofal iremi we iy ye tapeli repiy la Deus mele ye ngaley.
16 Iye mele ye sor irel kofael meka mo lal pangal babior kowe yal. Ye cholop mekla ye weres mo lal pangal babior kowe yal le rechoka re temdaf re hamdefa, ngo ye machey yar hamdefa. Ila sengal ngal meka rema foru ngal momol ka tot mo irel Babior we ye Santus. Meka resa foru ila sa ir chog yar hasi ngalir tayikof.
17 Iwe ngo hami rewol maryarey, pangal meka ngo hasa gola. Ila habe llugu dipmi bo hade dabey loh machey kala yar rechokla re tayikof, ha sala chuy tang lobosla habe daor mo iyang.
18 Ha taboy loh chog yami mel luwul haradiya mo yami gola Samol ngo Demer we yach Jesus Kristus. Le yebe ssor igla mo pangal yodol. Amen.