Maligach La Re Fang Bo Hammaler Rechokla Resa Chepar
1 Ibele kapta kofael molwe ha teftafdoh babior irey we ha kasiydoh kofal: salpiy we habe hateyili bo hammaler mekla lol Deus wol Judea. Habe foru mekla isa kangalur yarmetael eklesia kala wol Galatia bo rebe foru.
2 Pangal Sunday ngo semal hami ngo ye hamuslaho sugfed salpiy la be fechfech ngal lepal salpiy la yema yoh ngali. Iwe ngo hasa haliliya salpiy le bo ila ngo iy bela budoh ngo tayor pelal le sibe wol hattey salpiy.
3 Yodla ibe buyoy ngo isa tefa sew babior bo hasiyer rechokla hami hasa duwler bo rebe hasiloh kkefang la yami wol Jerusalem le yebe hamdefa kofer.
4 Hare ye palleng fal le ngang ibe loh, ila ngo ir resa dabeyey hasa loh.
Mekla Paulus Ye Luluwaley Be Foru
5 Ibela tefael mwo mo wol Macedonia ngo isa moch buyoy iremi — bo towe mmal la ibe te loh wol Macedonia.
6 Medalbo be ssulay yai be mel iremi. Towe siy le ibe mel yee, yela chuy Llifang. Iwe ngo te tugul lobosle ibe loh iyang, ngo hami habe tipingiyey bo ibe taboloh yai malekah.
7 Idipli bo sibe rol werfengal le be ssulay yai mel iremi. Iyalyal hare be yoh le ibe ssulay ngalugmi igle ye fel mo irel Samol.
8 Ibe mel wol Ephesus yee, yela hola mala Bungul Pentecost.
9 Ila mwo ye cholop le yema hapaliyel ngalyey mo wol haplom le, ngo ye cholop yengang kala ye palleng pelal le be yoh le ibe foru.
10 Hare ye buyoy Timothy iremi ngo hasa hakkula ngali bo yebe fel yal mel luwulumi. Bo iy ila yema foru yengang kala yael Samol le ye wochog ngang.
11 Tor semal le be tolpagili Timothy. Habe far tipingi bo yebe taboloh malekah la yal luwul hopos bo be yoh le be tefaldoh irey; ngang iwiwidi le bela tefael le be ir mo tot mekla wol bisich.
12 Iwe ngo iye sengal mele kofael Apollos we bisich. Yesa cholop yai ma dding ngali bo yebe buyoy tefael mo iremi le be ir mo tot mekla wol bisich. Iwe ngo ted tugul hare be buyoy hare yeb. Sew yad le be mmal ngo sa moch buyoy iremi.
Hartael Hapatpat
13 Ha llugu dipmi ngo hasa mel chog le be kkel yami tugul, ngo hasa hakkela dipmi.
14 Pangal yengang kala yami ngo habe ma foru luwul hachangcheng.
15 Hami ngo ha faesul gola molwe kofael Stephanas mo chol family we yal; ir mele metamol Kristiano le ye weg deper mo wol Achaia. Ngo ir chog yar fang ir bo lol Deus. Ikekefael pechehmi rewol bisiy,
16 bo habe talenga yalor ngo ha dabey wululur rechoka mo panger rechokla rema daber irel yengang.
17 Yesa momay depey irel mele yesa budoh Stephanas, mo Fortunatus, mo Achaieus, resa mel irey irel yodle hami ha tamel iyang.
18 Resa harrayi lal depey le ye wochog yar harayugmi. Tappel rochoka ila habe ma itol dipmi irel meka rema sor.
19 Yarmetael eklesia ka woal Asia re fangwey yar habong iremi. Aquila mo Priscilla, mo Kristiano kala rema ttey mo irel imwla imwer ila re fangwey yar habong iremi.
20 Panger meka wol bisich iga ngo re fangwey yar habong iremi.
Habe ma fang fengal yami habong luwul yami ffaho fengal.
21 Spegil ngang Paulus mele itefa mele: Habong ngalugmi mo irel Paulus.
22 Semal le yebe te hachangi Samol ngo towe yolbuw!
Marana tha — Yamem Samol, budoh!
23 Haradiya la yael Samol Jesus be mel iremi.
24 Hachangcheng le yai irel Kristus Jesus be mel iremi pangamiloh.