Ja' Yet Ey Ec' Pablo Bey Conob Corinto
Yet jix lawi jun tu' xin, jix el Pablo bey Atenas tu', catu' jix to bey conob Corinto tu'.* Ja' bey Corinto tu' ey ec' jun naj Israel chi yij Aquila. Ja' bey jun lugar chi yij Ponto jix ali naj. Priscila sbi yistil naj. Ec'lenaj naj yetoj yistil bey jun lugar chi yij Italia. Ey ec' eb bey Italia tu' catu' jix ujtele el masanil eb Israel yul yet Roma yu naj yaaw chi yij Claudio. Yuxan jix el eb bey Italia tu', jix to eb bey Corinto. Ja' titu' jix bet il-le eb yu Pablo. Laan c'al smulnail eb xin, yet wa'nemal carpa sba eb, yuxan jix ey ec' naj yetoj eb titu', catu' jix mulna eb scawanil. Ja' yet jun jun sc'ual xewilal, jix bet ec' Pablo tu' yalon yab eb ánima bey snail sculto eb yet Israelal. Ja' titu' jix ak'le sna'bal eb Israel c'al eb man Israel oj.
Ja' yet jix jul ec' Silas yetoj Timoteo bey Corinto tu', yet jix tit eb bey Macedonia, lalan yak'on yip Pablo yalon el sk'ane Dios yin masanil sc'ul. Caw jix ak'le na'cha el yu eb Israel, tol ja' Jesús, ja' ton Cristo, naj echbanebil sjul yu eb. Pero tu' c'al jix tit sjowal eb yin. Catu' jix c'oli sbuchwa a eb yin. Yuxan jix sic'ontene spichil naj Pablo yu x'oxon el tet eb tol c'am xa yalon yet yin eb, catu' jix el naj xol eb. Jix yal tet eb jaxca ti':
—Jaexti', chi yi'tej je ya'ilal je yiban junelne. Jainti', c'am xa walon wet je yin an. Ja' tinani' xin, chin cha' el yich jin to walon tet eb man Israel oj an, ẍi naj tet eb.
Catu' jix eltej yul snail sculto eb tu', catu' jix to bey sna jun naj chi ijon Justo tu'. Man Israel oj naj, pero chi yi' ey sba tet Dios. Scawilal snail sculto eb Israel tu' ey sna naj. Ey jun naj yaawil snail sculto eb Israel tu' chi yij Crispo. Jix yaoc sc'ul naj yin naj Kaawil yetoj c'al sfamilia. Ec'al eb a Corinto tu' jix yaoc sc'ul yin sk'ane Dios yet jix yaben eb. Catu' jix yak'on xa c'al pax bautizar sba eb. Jix yalon naj Kaawil tet Pablo tu' yet jun ak'bal jaxca yin weyicheal jaxca ti':
—Manchej jaach xiwi. Manchej jaach oc tucan ja walon el jin k'ane an, 10 yutol ey jin ec' ja wetoj an. C'am junoj mac txequel oj ske' jaach yetneni, yutol ec'al mac txequel sic'bil xa el wu bey jun conob ti' an, ẍi tet naj Pablo.
11 Yuxan jix ey ec' Pablo nan scaab jabil bey Corinto tu', catu' jix yak'on sk'ane Dios scuy eb titu'.
12 Ja' yet jun tiempoal tu', ey oc naj Galión yaawil bey jun lugar chi yij Acaya tu', catu' jix slatinen el sba eb Israel yin Pablo. Jix i'letoj naj yu eb sattaj naj yaaw tu'. 13 Catu' jix yalon eb jaxca ti':
—Ja' jun winaj ti', chi ec' yak' sc'ul oj eb ánima catu' chi yalon sba eb tet Dios, pero man jaxca oj cu ley, ẍi eb.
14 Catu' jix c'oli yalon sba Pablo tu', pero jix yalon Galión tet eb Israel jaxca ti':
—Manchej jex awi octej e in titi' an. Ta ey junoj tzet man watx' oj jix el yunen naj ti', ma ey junoj spenail jix el yunen naj yul sat ley, chim jin cha' wab tzet che yal an. 15 Pero tu' c'al che tx'emle a je ba yu wan k'ane chi yal naj ti', c'al yu jun bie chi sbinanetej naj, yetoj c'al yu je ley. Yuxan, asi' wej, wa'ne wej wan ti' je txojli. Jal jin xin, c'am chi yal jin c'ul chin wa'ne wan ti' an, ẍi Galión tu' tet eb.
16 Ja' yet jix yalon jaxca tu', catu' jix ujtele eltej eb yu yul sdespacho. 17 Catu' jix mitx'le naj Sóstenes yu masanil eb Griego tu', naj ey oc yaawil oj snail sculto eb Israel. Catu' jix mak'le naj yu eb bey sti' sdespacho naj yaaw bey jun lugar tu'. Pero tu' c'al jix oc t'anan Galión tu', c'am nioj tzet jix yal tet eb.
Ja' Yet Jix Paxtoj Naj Pablo Bey Antioquía
18 Ec'al to c'al c'ual jix ey ec' Pablo bey Corinto tu', catu' jix yalon toj sba tet eb creyente titu'. Jix to Priscila c'al Aquila yetoj. Ja' bey conob Cencrea jix apni eb. Jix sujon el sba naj Pablo titu' yu x'oxon el oj, tol ey jun strato yak'naj naj yetoj Dios, catu' jix oc eb yul jun barco yu sto bey jun lugar chi yij Siria. 19 Ja' yet jix apni eb bey conob Efeso, catu' jix ale can Priscila yetoj Aquila titu' yu naj Pablo. Catu' jix to bey snail sculto eb yet Israelal tu'. Catu' jix c'oli sk'anab yetoj eb ey ec' titu'. 20 Jix oc tean eb yin naj tol chi ey ec' jayeb oj c'u naj yetoj eb titu'. Pero ma yal sc'ul. 21 Ja' yet jix yalon toj sba tet eb, catu' jix yalon can jaxca ti':
—Sowalil oj jin toj Jerusalén ilo k'in. Pero ta oj el yin sc'ul Dios, oj jin ec' e ex ti' junel xa, ẍi naj tet eb.
Catu' jix to yul barco. 22 Jix apni bey conob Cesarea. Catu' jix to k'anab yetoj eb creyente bey Jerusalén. Jix ec' bey Jerusalén tu' catu' jix to bey conob Antioquía. 23 Ja' tu' jix ey ec' jun tiempoal, catu' jix to junel xa, jix ec' yul jun jun conob yul yet Galacia c'al yul yet Frigia. Jix c'al ec' iptzele eb creyente yu naj bey jix eq'ui.
Ja' Yet Jix Yalon El Sk'ane Dios Naj Apolos Bey Conob Efeso
24 Ja' yet jun tiempoal tu', ey jun winaj a Israel chi yij Apolos, a conob Alejandría. Jix apni naj bey conob Efeso. Caw jelan sk'anab naj, catu' watx' jix yute yalon el naj tzet tz'ibebil can yul An Juun, yutol caw yotaj naj sic'lebil. 25 Cuywinaj naj yin sbeybal naj Kaawil. Yalnaj el watx' k'ane naj yin masanil sc'ul. Yin sjichanil jix yun yalon el sk'aneal Jesús naj. Cax c'al asan scuybanil sbautismo naj Juan yotaj xa naj. 26 Ja' yet junel jix to naj yal el sk'ane Dios bey snail sculto eb yet Israelal. Caw tec'an ye naj yet jix yalon el oj. Ja' yet jix yaben Priscila yetoj Aquila tzet jix yute cuywa sba naj xin, catu' jix yi'ontoj naj eb xojli, catu' jix c'oli swatx' scuyle naj yu eb yin yet Dios tu'. 27 Catu' jix el yin sc'ul naj Apolos tu' chi to bey jun lugar chi yij Acaya. Jix colwa eb creyente yetoj naj yet tu', jix s'iben el jun scarta eb jix yi'toj naj bey eb creyente a lugar titu', yet watx', watx' chi yute ẍa'on apnoj naj eb. Ja' yet jix apni naj bey Acaya tu' xin, catu' jix iptzele jantaj eb jix xa yaoc sc'ul yin Dios yu swatx' c'ulal Dios tu'. 28 Caw jix yak' yip naj x'oxon el oj, tzet utbil tol yel c'ulal tol q'ueynajtoj eb Israel tu'. Ja' sk'ane Dios tz'ibebil can yul An Juun jix yak'balne, catu' jix yalon tet eb ánima yet watx' chi na'cha el yu eb, tol ja' Jesús, ja' ton Cristo, catu' tol ja' echbanebil sjul yu eb.
* 18:1 Yu ec'al sman eb c'al xon eb a Corinto, yuxan caw binabil sconob eb. Catu' miman pax binabil yu caw ey spenail titu'. 18:18 Ja' tzet chi yal titi', chi kil bey Números capítulo 6, bey chi yaltej sleyal yet chi yak'on sti' ánima yunen junoj tzet yetal.