Ony By Jesus We Can Go To Da Fadda
“No need you guys come all bodda inside yoa heart. Trus God, an trus me too. Inside my Faddaʼs house, get plenny place fo stay. If neva have, I wen tell you guys awready. I going ova dea fo make you guys place ready. Afta I go an make da place ready, I goin come back, an take you guys ova dea wit me, so da place I stay, you guys goin stay dea too. Da place I going, you guys know how fo go ova dea.”
Thomas tell um, “Eh Boss! Us guys, we donno wea you going. How we goin know how fo go ova dea?”
Jesus tell um, “No mo odda guy can bring peopo to da Fadda, ony me. I bring peopo to um, jalike I da road. I da guy who get da trut. I da guy dat make da peopo come alive fo real kine. You guys know me, so dass mean you guys goin know my Fadda. An from now, you guys know him, an see him.”
Philip tell um, “Eh Boss, show us yoa Fadda, an dass nuff fo us guys.”
Jesus tell him, “I stay wit you guys long time, an you still yet donno who me, Philip? Whoeva wen see me, dey wen see my Fadda. So how come you say, ‘Show us yoa Fadda’? 10 You no trus me, o wat, wen I say dat I stay tight wit my Fadda, an he stay tight wit me? Da stuff I telling you guys, all dat no come from me, come from my Fadda. He stay tight wit me, an he da One dat stay doing all dis kine stuff. 11 Trus me wen I say dat I stay tight wit my Fadda an he stay tight wit me. If you guys no can believe dat, den trus me cuz a da stuff I stay doing.
12 “Dass right! An I tell you guys dis too: Whoeva trus me, dey goin do da same kine stuff I do. An dey goin do even mo betta stuff, cuz I going by my Fadda. 13 Wateva you guys aks me fo do cuz you my guys, I goin do um. Den everybody can know how awesome my Fadda stay, cuz I his Boy, an I show dem how awesome he stay. 14 Wateva you guys aks me fo do cuz you my guys, I goin do um fo you.
Jesus Tell Dat Godʼs Spesho Spirit Goin Come
15 “If you guys get love an aloha fo me, you goin do wat I tell you guys fo do. 16 I goin aks my Fadda, an he goin give you guys one nodda One fo kokua you guys. An dat One goin stay wit you guys foeva. 17 Dass Godʼs Spirit dat teach you guys da trut. But da peopo inside da world no like take him, cuz dey no see him, an dey donno him. You guys know him, cuz he stay by you guys, an he goin stay tight wit you guys.
18 “I no goin leave you guys all alone. I goin come back by you guys. 19 Litto wile moa, da peopo inside da world no goin see me. But you guys goin see me. Cuz I goin come back alive, dass why you guys goin come alive fo real kine. 20 Wen I come back alive, you guys goin know fo shua dat I stay tight wit my Fadda, an you guys stay tight wit me, an I stay tight wit you guys.
21 “Whoeva take wat I tell um fo do, an do um, dass da ones dat get love an aloha fo me. My Fadda goin get love an aloha fo dem, an I goin get love an aloha fo um, an I goin show um who me fo real kine.”
22 Had one nodda guy name Judas, not da Iscariot guy. He wen aks Jesus, “Boss, how come you goin show us guys who you fo real kine, an not show da odda peopo inside da world?”
23 Jesus wen tell him, “Whoeva get love an aloha fo me, dey goin do wat I tell um. My Fadda goin get love an aloha fo dem too. Den me an my Fadda going by dem, an jalike we goin make house wit dem togedda. 24 Whoeva no mo love an aloha fo me, dey no goin do wat I say. All da stuff you wen hear me tell, dat no come from me, come from my Fadda who wen send me.
25 “I wit you guys still yet, az why I stay telling you guys all dis stuff now. 26 My Fadda, bumbye he goin send you guys his Good an Spesho Spirit fo kokua you guys fo me. He goin teach you guys everyting, an help you guys rememba all da stuff I wen tell you guys awready.
27 “Wen I go way, I goin make you guys hearts rest inside, da kine rest dat ony I can give. All da stuff inside da world no can make you guys rest inside lidat. No let yoa heart come all funny kine inside! No scared! 28 You guys wen hear me say, ‘I going way from you guys, an I goin come back by you guys.’ So, no feel bad. If you guys wen get love an aloha fo me, den you guys stay good inside, cuz I going by my Fadda. Cuz my Fadda, he mo importan den me. 29 I wen tell you guys all dis stuff befo da ting happen. So wen da ting happen, you guys goin trus me. 30 I ony goin talk to you guys litto wile moa, cuz da Devil stay coming. Fo now, he in charge a da peopo inside dis world, but he no mo power ova me. 31 But no matta he coming, cuz I goin do wat my Fadda wen tell me fo do. Dat goin show da peopo inside da world dat I get love an aloha fo my Fadda.”
“Come on! We going!”