Ruth Go Wea Dey Take
Da Junks Outa Da Wheat
Naomi talk to her daughtah-in-law Ruth. She tell, “Eh Ruth! Time fo me find you one place fo live, wea dey goin take good kea you, aah? You know da guy Boaz? He oua ohana, you know. He wen make to you jalike you one a da girls dat work fo him, fo you pick up da extra barley an wheat afta dem.
“An you know wat? Tonite, Boaz goin go fo work da place wea dey take da junks outa da wheat fo make um ready fo eat. So den, you go bafe, an put perfume, an wear yoa nices clothes. Go da place wea dey take da junks outa da wheat. But no let Boaz know you dea, till afta he pau eat. Watch so you know wea he go lay down fo sleep. Afta he go sleep, go ova dea wea he stay sleep, an take da blanket off his feets, an lay down dea by his feets. Boaz, he know how oua peopo do, an he goin tell you wat you gotta do fo him take kea you.”
Ruth tell, “Okay, I go do um, jalike you tell me fo do!”
So Ruth go da place wea dey take da junks outa da wheat. She do jalike her muddah-in-law tell her fo do. Boaz, he wen eat an feel plenny good. Den he go lay down one side a da place wea dey pile up da barley. He go sleep ova dea. Laytas, Ruth go ova dea real quick an no make noise, an take da blanket off Boaz feets, an lay down dea. Bout midnite time, someting make Boaz sked litto bit, an he wake up an turn ova. An eh! had one wahine, laying dea by his feets!
So he tell, “Eh! Who you?”
Ruth tell, “Dis me, Ruth. I jalike one a yoa worka wahines. An you, you from my mahke faddah-in-law ohana. Da way yoa peopo do stuff, you one a da guys from da ohana dat suppose to marry me an get kids fo my mahke husban, cuz you jalike one cousin fo him. So, put da end a yoa blanket ova me fo show you goin take me fo come yoa wife!”
10 Dat blow Boaz mind. He tell, “Eh Ruth! Da One In Charge, he do plenny good tings fo you! You wen do good too, cuz you stay tight wit yoa mahke husban ohana wen you come hea. An da ting you stay do right now, show mo plenny still yet dat you get respeck fo da ohana, cuz you no stay try fo marry one a da younga guys, no matta dey rich o no mo notting! 11 So, no sked! I goin do jalike you wen tell me fo do fo you. No pilikia, cuz all da older leada guys fo my peopo know dat you one wahine dat stay strong inside.
12 “Ony one ting now. Fo shua, I one a da guys from da Elimelek ohana dat get da right fo marry you fo get kids fo yoa mahke husban, cuz I jalike one cousin fo him. But you know, get anodda guy dat mo nea yoa husban den me, so he get mo right fo marry you, mo den me. 13 So, stay hea tonite. Morning time, I go talk to him. If he like, kay den, he da one goin marry you. But if he no like do dat fo da ohana, den I make dis promise to you, jalike fo shua Da One In Charge stay alive, I stay shua too dat I goin marry you. Now, lay down ova dea till morning time.”
14 Az why Ruth lay dea by Boaz feets till morning time. She get up early, befo get light, befo anybody can see who her. Cuz Boaz figga, “No good da peopo know dat dis wahine wen come hea wea dey take da junks outa da wheat!”
15 He tell Ruth, “Go come! Bring yoa shawl ova hea an hold um out.” He dump wheat inside da shawl six times, an help put um on top her back fo take home. An den Boaz go back Betlehem town too.
16 Wen Ruth go back by Naomi, her muddah-in-law, Naomi aks, “So. Wat he wen do, Ruth?”
Ruth tell Naomi eryting dat Boaz wen do fo her. 17 An she tell, “He give me all dis wheat too, cuz he tell, ‘No good you go back by yoa muddah-in-law an no mo notting fo her.’ ”
18 Naomi tell, “Now, my girl, jus wait till you find out wat goin happen. Cuz Boaz, he no goin wait notting. He goin do eryting today!”
3:12 3:12: Ruth 2:20