Ahijah Tell Jeroboam Wat God Tell
Dat time, King Jeroboam boy Abijah come sick. Jeroboam tell his wife, “Us gotta do someting! Go put on diffren kine clotheses, fo nobody know you my wife. Den go Shiloh side. Get one guy dat talk fo God ova dea. His name Ahijah. Him da one wen tell me I goin come king fo dis peopo. Take ten roun kine breads, some sweet kine cake, an one small bottle honey. Go by him an give him da present. He goin tell you wat goin happen wit da boy.”
Az why dass wat Jeroboam wife do. She start fo go Shiloh side, to Ahijah house. Ahijah, he no can see notting cuz he real ol. Befo she reach Shiloh, Da One In Charge tell Ahijah, “Jeroboam wife goin come hea fo tell you fo tell her one ting. She goin aks you bout her boy, cuz he stay sick. An you goin tell her some stuff. Wen she come, she goin get diffren kine clotheses on, fo nobody know az her.”
Ahijah hear her stay coming by da door. He tell her, “Go come inside! You Jeroboam wife, aah? So, how come you put on diffren kine clotheses fo nobody know az you?! God wen tell me awready, fo tell you some stuff dat goin make you come bum out. Wen you go home, tell Jeroboam, dis wat Da One In Charge, da God fo da Israel peopo, tell: ‘Was me wen make you come mo importan den all da peopo aroun you, an I wen make you da leada fo my peopo, da Israel peopo. David was da king, an da odda kings was goin come from his ohana. But I wen take away da right fo da David ohana guys come king, an give you da right fo be king. But you no ack jalike David, cuz he wen work fo me, an you, you no do notting fo me. Wen I tell David he gotta do someting, he do um. He wen stay tight wit me wit one good heart. He ony do da kine stuff dat I see stay right. You wen do mo plenny bad kine stuff den all da peopo dat wen come befo time. You make idol kine gods dat not fo you, dat you melt metal fo make. You make me come mad an walk away from me.
10 “ ‘Cuz you do all dat, dis wat I goin do. I goin punish all da Jeroboam ohana. I goin wipe out ery man from da Jeroboam ohana inside da Israel land. No matta dey slaves o dey not slaves. I goin burn up all da Jeroboam ohana peopo, jalike peopo burn up all da rubbish, till no mo nobody. 11 Anybody from da Jeroboam ohana dat mahke inside da towns, da dogs goin eat um. If get some mahke outside, da country side, da birds goin eat dem. Me, Da One In Charge, tell you dis!’
12 “An fo you, Miz Jeroboam, go home now. Wen you go inside yoa town, yoa boy goin mahke. 13 All da Israel peopo goin cry plenny fo him an bury him. But him, he da ony one from da Jeroboam ohana dat goin get grave, cuz him da ony one from da Jeroboam ohana dat Da One In Charge, da God fo da Israel peopo, see dat he one good guy.
14 “Da One In Charge goin make anodda guy come king fo da Israel peopo, fo do wat Da One In Charge like. Dat guy goin wipe out all da Jeroboam ohana. An you know wen he goin do dat? Goin be today! An wat Da One In Charge goin do afta dat? 15 Da One In Charge goin smash all da Israel peopo so dey no goin stan up strait, jalike wen you smash one plant dat grow inside one riva. He goin pull out da Israel peopo from dis good land he wen give to dea ancesta guys, jalike wen you pull one plant outa da groun wit da roots. He goin throw dem all ova da place, da odda side a da Eufrates Riva. Az cuz dey wen put up poses fo pray to da wahine god Asherah, an dat make Da One In Charge come plenny huhu. 16 Da One In Charge goin give up on da Israel peopo, cuz a all da bad kine stuff Jeroboam wen do, an cuz Jeroboam wen make da Israel peopo do bad kine stuff too!”
17 So Jeroboam wife stan up an go home Tirzah side. Da same time she step inside her door, her boy mahke. 18 Da peopo bury da boy, an all da Israel peopo cry plenny fo him, jalike wat Da One In Charge wen tell his worka guy Ahijah dat talk fo him fo tell.
19 All da odda stuff Jeroboam wen do, how he make war an how he lead da peopo, all dat stay write down inside da Record Book Fo Da Israel Kings. 20 Jeroboam was king 22 year. Den he mahke an go sleep wit his ancesta guys. Jeroboam boy Nadab come king afta him.
Rehoboam Stay King Judah Side
21 Ova dea Judah side, Solomon boy Rehoboam stay king dat time. Wen he 41 year ol, he come king, an he stay king 17 year Jerusalem side. (Rehoboam muddah name Naamah, from da Ammon peopo.) Jerusalem, az da big town Da One In Charge wen pick from all da Israel ohanas fo build da Temple fo da peopo come dea fo find out wat kine god him.
22 But da Judah peopo, dey do stuff Da One In Charge tell az bad. Da bad kine stuff dey wen do, was mo bad den da stuff dea ancesta guys wen do. Cuz a dat, dey make Da One In Charge come real huhu an jealous, cuz dey suppose to live fo him an dey no make dat way. 23 Dem guys make spesho kine places on top da high part a da hills fo make sacrifice, an dey stan up big stones fo make places fo pray, an put poses fo pray to da wahine god Asherah, on top da high part a ery hill an unda ery big tree dat get plenny leaf. 24 Dey even get men kine prostitutes inside da land dat stay spesho fo da odda gods. Dey do all kine bad stuff wit da wahines, an da wahines even pay um fo sex. An all da pay dey get go to da places wea da peopo pray to da odda gods. Da peopo stay do all kine pilau kine stuff jalike how da odda peopos stay do, da same peopos Da One In Charge wen kick outa da land wen da Israel peopo come dea.
25 Afta Rehoboam was king five year, Shishak da king fo da Egypt peopo come attack Jerusalem. 26 He take all da stuff from inside da Temple Fo Da One In Charge an inside King Rehoboam palace. He take eryting, even da gold shields da Solomon guys wen make. 27 So King Rehoboam tell his guys fo go make shields outa bronze metal, fo put um wea da gold shields stay befo time. He make da officer guys, da ones dat guard da door fo da king palace, take kea da bronze shields. 28 Erytime da king go inside da Temple Fo Da One In Charge, da guard guys carry da shields. Afta he leave, dey take um back to da room wea dey stay.
29 Odda stuff dat wen happen wen Rehoboam stay king, all da tings he wen do, stay write inside da Record Book Fo Da Judah Kings. 30 An all da time, Rehoboam an Jeroboam make war wit each odda. 31 Den Rehoboam mahke jalike his ancesta guys. Dey bury him wit dem inside David Town, az Jerusalem. (Rehoboam muddah name was Naamah, from da Ammon peopo.) Den Rehoboam boy Abijam come da nex king.
14:10 14:10: 1Kings 15:29 14:23 14:23: 2Kings 17:9-10 14:24 14:24: Rules2 23:17 14:25 14:25: 2Rec 12:2-8 14:26 14:26: 1Kings 10:16-17; 2Rec 9:15-16