Da Babylon Army Guys Come Wipe Out
1 Go sit down on top da dirt,
You Babylon town peopo!
You Babylon guys was jalike
One beautiful young princess.
But now, you gotta go sit down on top da groun,
Cuz now you no mo throne an no mo king.
Az why nobody goin tink you make nice to peopo
An you no need work.
2 You Babylon guys goin be
Jalike one wahine dat gotta sit down
By da big heavy stone
Fo grind da wheat jalike one slave
Fo make flour,
O one wahine dat gotta take off her head cloth
An lif up her skirt so no come wet
Wen she go across one stream.
3 Den erybody goin see you Babylon guys naked.
You goin come shame.
I goin pay you guys back.
I no goin let nobody go.
4 Da One dat wen free us guys up
From da bad kine stuff we do,
Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies,
Dass his name.
Him, da Good An Spesho God fo da Israel peopo.
5 Da One In Charge, he tell da Babylon peopo:
“Sit down an no talk!
Sit inside da dark place.
Nobody goin tell you guys no moa
Dat yoa town jalike da queen
Ova all da kings an da peopos.
6 I wen stay huhu wit my peopo.
An make to my peopo
Jalike dey no stay spesho fo me.
I wen give my peopo to you Babylon guys,
An you neva even give dem chance.
You even make da ol peopo suffa plenny,
An make dem carry one heavy load.
7 You Babylon guys talk
Jalike you goin stay foeva,
Jalike yoa town stay one queen foeva!
But you neva tink bout all dis stuff,
O wat goin happen bumbye
Cuz a wat you stay do now!
8 “Now lissen, you Babylon guys!
You guys, jalike one wahine
Dat tink she get eryting nice
An can do wateva she like,
Cuz no mo nobody goin hurt her.
Jalike you stay tink:
‘Me, I da ony one!
No mo nobody jalike me!
I no goin come one widow
An my kids no goin mahke.’
9 But one day, same time, two tings goin happen:
You goin come one widow,
An yoa kids goin mahke.
No matta you do kahuna kine stuff,
An you use plenny magic kine words,
Still yet dey goin come mahke die dead!
10 You Babylon guys, you stay shua
Dat wen you guys do bad kine stuff
You stay okay.
Cuz you tell, ‘Nobody see me.’
You tink you know plenny stuff
An know wat fo do erytime.
Inside, you tell, ‘Me, da ony one!
No mo nobody jalike me, ony me!’
11 “Real bad stuff goin happen
To you Babylon guys bumbye,
But you no even goin know
Wat kine magic goin stop um.
Da trouble goin wack you guys big time,
But even if you pay money, dat no goin change notting.
Goin come jalike one big storm,
An you no goin even know befo time.
12 “So, make da magic kine words
An put kahuna on top plenny peopo all da time,
Same ting you wen work real hard
Fo learn from small kid time.
Maybe da magic an da kahuna goin come out okay.
Maybe you goin make somebody come mo sked.
13 Wen you guys lissen
To eryting da guys dat make magic like tell you fo do,
Ony make you guys tired!
Let dem all stan up an talk—
Da guys dat know da zodiac signs,
Da guys dat check out da stars
Fo make horoscope ery month, new moon time!
But wen da tings dat goin happen, happen,
Den let dem get you guys outa trouble!
14 But you know wat?! Dose star watcha guys,
Dey jalike one dry wheat stalk
Dat da fire burn um up fas.
Dey no can even run away from da fire
Fo no burn up.
Dat kine fire burn out real fas.
Dass not da kine fire
Dat make you stay warm.
15 Dass all da star watcha guys goin do fo you.
You Babylon guys gotta work hard,
Cuz from small kid time
Da star watcha guys make you pay.
But all dem goin go one diffren way,
An no mo nobody goin get you guys outa trouble.”