After these things Nathan, the prophet, rose (up), in the days of David.
And as inner fatness departed [or tallow severed] from the flesh, so David from the sons of Israel.
He played with lions, as with lambs; he did in like manner with bears, as with lambs of sheep.
Whether in his youth he killed not a giant, and took away shame [or reproof] from the folk? In raising (up) the hand in (or with) a stone of a sling, he casted down the full out joying of Goliath,
where he called to help the Lord Almighty; and he gave in his right hand to do away a strong man in battle, and to enhance the horn of his folk.
So he glorified him, that is, made him to be praised, in (or with) ten thousand, and he praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in offering to him the crown of glory.
For he all-brake enemies on each side, and drew out by the root (the) Philistines contrary, unto this day; he all-brake the horn of them unto with-out end.
David in each [or all] work gave acknowledging to (the) holy God, and high, in the word of glory (or with words of glory). Of (or With) all his heart he praised God, and he loved the Lord that made him, and gave to him power [or might] against (the) enemies.
And he made singers to stand against (or before) the altar; and he made sweet motets in (or by) the sound of them.
10 And he gave fairness in hallow-ings, and he adorned times, or solemnities, unto the ending of life; (so) that they should praise the holy name of the Lord, and make large (or magnify) early the holiness of God.
11 Christ* purged the sins of him, and enhanced his horn without end; and he gave to him the testament of kings, and the seat [or a seat] of glory in Israel.
12 After him rose (up) a witty (or a wise) son; and for him he, (that is, God), casted down all the power [or all the might] of (their) enemies.
13 Solomon reigned in the days of peace, to whom God made subject all [the] enemies, (so) that he should make an house in the name of God, and make ready holiness (or the sanctuary) without end, as he was learned [or taught] in his youth.
14 And he was filled with wisdom as a flood is filled; and his soul un-covered [or again-covered] the earth.
15 And thou, Solomon, filledest dark figurative speeches in likenesses;
16 and thy name was published to isles afar, and thou were loved in (or for) thy peace.
17 Lands, that is, men dwelling in (those) lands, wondered in (or at) songs, and in (or at) proverbs, and in (or at) likenesses [or comparisons], and interpretings, either expositions;
18 and in the name of the Lord, to whom the surname is [or to whom is the surname] God of Israel. Thou gatheredest together gold as latten, and thou filledest silver as lead.
19 And thou bowedest [in] thy thighs to women; thou haddest power in thy body to fill the lust of thy body.
20 Thou hast given a wem in thy glory, and madest unholy [or cursed-est] thy seed, to bring in wrathfulness to thy children, and thy folly in other men [or in other things thy folly];
21 (so) that thou shouldest make the realm parted into twain [or two], and of Ephraim to command an hard commandment.
22 But God shall not forsake his mercy, and shall not destroy, neither do away his works, neither he shall lose (or destroy) from generation the sons’ sons of his chosen king David, [nor lose from the stock his chosen sons’ sons]; and he shall not destroy the seed of him that loveth the Lord. Forsooth God gave (a) remnant to Jacob, and to David of that generation [or lineage].
23 And Solomon had an end with his fathers. And he left after him of his seed Rehoboam, (yea), the folly of the folk, and made less from prudence; which Rehoboam turned away the folk by his counsel. And Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, that made Israel to do sin, and gave to Ephraim (the) way to do sin;
24 and full many sins of them were plenteous, for they turned them away greatly from their land, that is, sins great and horrible made them to be prisoners far from their land.
25 And the lineage (or tribe) of Ephraim sought (out) all wickedness-es, till defence came to them; and (he) delivered them from all (their) sins.
* CHAPTER 47:11 All modern translations have “The Lord” here.