1 In three things it is pleased to my spirit, which be approved before God and men; [the] according of brethren, and (the) love of neighbours, [and] a man and woman well consenting to themselves.
2 My soul hated three species, (or kinds), and I am grieved greatly to (or by) the soul of them; a poor man proud, and a rich man (that is a) liar, and an eld [or old] man (that is) a fool and unwitty (or unwise), [or doted].
3 How shalt thou find in thine eld (age) those things, which thou gather-ed not in thy youth?
4 Doom of discretion is full fair in hoariness, either (an) eld man, [or How fair the doom in hoariness], and to priests to know counsel.
5 Wisdom is full fair to eld [or old] men, and glorious understanding, and counsel.
6 The crown of eld men is in much cunning, (or knowing, or knowledge); and the glory of them is the dread of God.
7 I magnified nine things unsus-pect(ed) of the heart; and I shall say the tenth thing by tongue to men. A man which living is merry in sons [or A man that is joyed in sons living], and seeing the destroying of his enemies.
8 He is blessed that dwelleth with a witty (or with a wise) woman, and he that fell not [or not slidden] by his tongue, and he that served not to men unworthy to himself.
9 He is blessed that findeth a very (or a true) friend, and he that telleth out rightfulness to an ear hearing.
10 He is full great that findeth wisdom and cunning (or knowing); but he is not above [or over] him that dreadeth God.
11 The dread of God hath set itself above [or over] all things. Blessed is the man to whom it is given to have the dread of God; to whom shall he be likened, that holdeth that dread?
12 The dread of God is the beginning of his love; forsooth the beginning of faith is to be fast-joined thereto [or to him].
13 The sorrow of (the) heart is each wound; and the wickedness of a woman is all malice. A leech (or A physician) shall see each wound, and (or but) not the wound of (the) heart; and all wickedness, and (or but) not the wickedness of a woman;
14 and each covering [or all hid thing], that is, (the) colouring of malice, and not the covering [or the hid thing] of haters; and each [or all] vengeance, and not the vengeance of enemies.
15 None head is worse [or wickeder] than the head of an adder dwelling in (a) shadow; and none ire [or wrath] is above [or over] the ire of a woman.
16 It shall please more to dwell with a lion and a dragon, than to dwell with a wicked woman.
17 The wickedness of a woman changeth her face; and she blinded her cheer (or her face) as a bear doeth, and she shall show as a sack(cloth) in the midst of (her) neighbours.
18 Her husband [greatly] wailed; and his wicked wife heard, and sighed a little, [or hearing (her), sighed a little].
19 All malice is short on (or is little compared to) the malice of a woman; the part [or the lot] of sinners, that is, the pain of hell, fall on her.
20 As a going-up (or an ascent) full of gravel in (or to) the feet of an eld [or old] man, so is a woman (that is) a great jangler to a peaceable [or quiet] man.
21 Behold thou not the fairness of a woman, and covet thou not a woman for (her) fairness.
22 The ire and unreverence of a woman to her husband is a great shame (or reproof). If a woman hath the first dignity [or (the) mastery], either chief governail, she is contrary to her husband.
23 A low heart, and (a) sorrowful face, and (a) wound of death, is(from) a wicked woman. Feeble hands and knees unbound, (resulteth from) a woman that blesseth not her husband.
24 The beginning of sin was made of (or by) a woman; and all we die by her.
25 Give thou not issue to thy water, yea, not a little issue; neither to a wicked woman freedom, [or leave], of going forth [or going out].
26 If she goeth not at thine hand, she shall shame thee in the sight of (thine) enemies. Cut her away from thy fleshes, lest ever[more] she mis-use thee.