On the floods of Babylon, there we sat, and wept; while we bethought on Zion. (By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, and wept; when we thought about Zion.)
In sallows in the midst thereof; we hanged up our organs. (On the willows nearby; we hung up our harps.)
For they that led us prisoners; asked us there the words of songs. And they that led away us said; Sing ye to us an hymn of the songs of Zion. (For they who led us away as prisoners; told us to sing there. Yea, they who led us away said; Sing ye for us a hymn of the songs of Zion.)
How shall we sing a song of the Lord; in an alien land? (But how can we sing a song to the Lord; in a foreign, or a strange, land?)
If I forget thee, Jerusalem; my right hand be given to forgetting. (Yea, if I forget thee, Jerusalem; may my right hand forget how to play my harp, or may my right hand wither away.)
My tongue cleave to my cheeks; if I bethink not on thee. If I purposed not of thee, Jerusalem; in the beginning of my gladness. (And may my tongue cleave to my cheeks; if I do not remember thee, Jerusalem. Yea, if I do not think of thee, as my greatest joy.)
Lord, have thou mind on the sons of Edom; for the day of Jerusalem. Which say, Extinguish ye, extinguish ye; till to the foundament therein. (Lord, remember what the Edomites did; on that day that Jerusalem fell. They said, Destroy ye it! destroy ye it! unto its foundations!)
Thou wretched daughter of Babylon; he is blessed, that yieldeth to thee thy yielding, which thou yieldest to us. (O wretched daughter of Babylon; happy is he, who doeth to thee, what thou hast done to us, or happy be those, who repay thee, for all that thou hast done to us.)
He is blessed, that shall hold; and hurtle down his little children at the stone. (Happy is he or Happy be they, who shall take hold of thy little children; and hurtle them against a stone.)