1 Alleluia. Acknowledge ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is without end. (Alleluia. Give ye thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his love is forever.)
2 Israel say now, for he is good; for his mercy is without end (or for his love is forever).
3 The house of Aaron say now; for his mercy is without end (or for his love is forever).
4 They that dread the Lord, say now; for his mercy is without end. (They who fear the Lord or They who revere the Lord, say now; for his love is forever.)
5 (Out) Of tribulation I inwardly called the Lord; and the Lord heard me in largeness. (In my trouble I called to the Lord; and the Lord answered me, and set me free.)
6 The Lord is an helper to me; I shall not dread what man shall do to me. (The Lord is my helper; I shall not fear what people shall do to me.)
7 The Lord is an helper to me; and I shall despise mine enemies. (The Lord is my helper; and I shall gloat over my enemies or and I shall see my enemies defeated.)
8 It is better to trust in the Lord; than for to trust in man. (It is better to trust in the Lord; than to trust in any person.)
9 It is better for to hope in the Lord; than to hope in princes. (It is better to trust in the Lord; than to trust in our rulers.)
10 All folks (en)compassed me; and in the name of the Lord it befelled, for I am avenged on them. (All the nations surrounded me; but in the name of the Lord, I shall be avenged upon them or I shall destroy them.)
11 They compassing (en)compassed me; and in the name of the Lord, for I am avenged on them. (They surrounded me on every side; but in the name of the Lord, I shall be avenged upon them or I shall destroy them.)
12 They (en)compassed me as bees, and they burnt out as fire among thorns; and in the name of the Lord, for I am avenged on them. (They surrounded me like bees, but they burned out quickly, like a fire among the thorns; for in the name of the Lord, I shall be avenged upon them or I shall destroy them.)
13 I was hurled, and turned upside-down, that I should fall down; and the Lord took me up (or but the Lord helped me up).
14 The Lord is my strength, and my praising; and he is made to me into health (or and he is my salvation, or my deliverance, or and he hath saved me).
15 The voice of full out joying and of health; be in the tabernacles of just men. The right hand of the Lord hath done virtue, (The voice of rejoicing and of victory, be in the tents, or the camp, of the righteous. The right hand of the Lord hath done mightily,)
16 the right hand of the Lord enhanced me; the right hand of the Lord hath done virtue. (the right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord hath done mightily.)
17 I shall not die, but I shall live; and I shall tell (out) the works of the Lord.
18 The Lord chastising hath chastised me; and he gave not me to death. (Yea, the Lord hath punished me; but he did not give me over to death.)
19 Open ye to me the gates of rightfulness, and I shall enter by those, and I shall acknowledge to the Lord; (Open ye for me the gates of righteousness, or of victory, and I shall enter in by them, and I shall praise the Lord or and I shall give thanks to the Lord;)
20 this gate is of the Lord, and just men shall enter by it. (this is the gate of the Lord, and the righteous shall enter by it.)
21 I shall acknowledge to thee, for thou heardest me; and art made to me into health. (I shall praise thee, for thou hast answered me; and thou hast given me the victory, or and thou art my salvation, or my deliverance, or and thou hast saved me.)
22 The stone which the builders reproved; this is made into the head (stone) of the corner. (The stone which the builders rejected; it is made into the chief cornerstone.)
23 This thing is made of the Lord; and it is wonderful before our eyes. (This thing was done by the Lord; and it is wonderful to behold.)
24 This is the day which the Lord made; make we full out joy, and be we glad therein. (This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice, and be glad in it.)
25 O! Lord, make thou me safe, O! Lord, make thou well prosperity; (O Lord, save thou us! O Lord, send us prosperity now!)
26 blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. We blessed you of the house of the Lord; (blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the House of the Lord;)
27 God is Lord, and he hath given light to us. Ordain ye a solemn day in thick peoples; till to the horn(s) of the altar. (God is the Lord or The Lord is God, and he hath given light to us. On the feast day, ordain ye a line of pilgrims, around the corners, or the horns, of the altar.)
28 Thou art my God, and I shall acknowledge to thee; thou art my God, and I shall enhance thee. I shall acknowledge to thee, for thou heardest me; and thou art made to me into health. (Thou art my God, and I shall praise thee or and I shall give thanks to thee; thou art my God, and I shall exalt thee. I shall praise thee, for thou hast answered me; and thou hast given me the victory, or and thou art my salvation, or my deliverance, or and thou hast saved me.)
29 Acknowledge ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is without end. (Give ye thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his love is forever.)