All things have time, and all things under [the] sun pass by their spaces.
Time of birth, and time of dying; time to plant, and time to draw up that that is planted.
Time to slay, and time to make whole; time to destroy, and time to build.
Time to weep, and time to laugh; time to bewail, and time to dance.
Time to scatter stones, and time to gather together; time to embrace, and time to be far from embracings, or embraces.
Time to get, and time to lose; time to keep, and time to cast away.
Time to cut, and time to sew together; time to be still, and time to speak.
Time to love, and time of hatred; time of battle, and time of peace.
What hath a man more of his travail?
10 I saw the torment, which God gave to the sons of men, that they be occupied therein.
11 God made all things good in their time, and gave the world to disputing of them, that a man find not the work that God hath wrought from the beginning unto the end.
12 And I knew that nothing was better to a man, but to be glad, and to do good works in his life.
13 For why each man that eateth and drinketh, and seeth good of his travail; this is the gift of God.
14 I have learned that all the works, that God made, last steadfastly unto without end; we may not add anything to those works, neither take away from those things, which God made, that he be dreaded.
15 That thing that is made, dwelleth perfectly; those things that shall come, were before; and God restoreth that, that is gone.
16 I saw under [the] sun unfaithfulness in the place of doom; and wickedness in the place of rightfulness.
17 And I said in mine heart, The Lord shall deem a just [or rightwise] man, and an unfaithful man; and the time of each thing shall be then.
18 I said in mine heart of the sons of men, that God should prove them, and show that they be like beasts.
19 Therefore one is the perishing of man and of beasts, and even condition is of ever either; as a man dieth, so and those beasts die; all those breathe in like manner, and a man hath nothing more than a beast. All things be subject to vanity,
20 and all things go to one place; those be made of earth, and those turn again altogether into earth.
21 Who knoweth, if the spirit[s] of the sons of Adam goeth upward, and if the spirits of beasts goeth downward?
22 And I perceived that nothing is better, than that a man be glad in his work, and that this be his part; for who shall bring him, that he know things that shall come after him?