But of spiritual things, brethren, I will not that ye unknow.
For ye know, that when ye were heathen men, how ye were led going to dumb maumets [or dumb simulacra].
Therefore I make known to you, that no man speaking in the Spirit of God, saith departing from Jesus; and no man may say the Lord Jesus [is], but in the Holy Ghost.
And diverse graces there be, but it is all one Spirit;
and diverse services there be, but it is all one Lord;
and diverse workings there be, but it is all one God, that worketh all things in all things.
And to each man the showing of Spirit is given to profit.
And the word of wisdom is given to one by Spirit; to another the word of knowing, by the same Spirit;
faith to another, in the same Spirit; to another, grace of healings [or of healths], in one Spirit;
10 to another, the working of virtues; to another, prophecy; to another, very knowing [or discretion] of spirits; to another, kinds of languages [or tongues]; to another, expounding [or interpreting] of words.
11 And one and the same Spirit worketh all these things, parting to each by themselves as he will.
12 For as there is one body, and hath many members, and all the members of the body when those [or they] be many, be one body, so also Christ.
13 For in one Spirit all we be baptized into one body, either Jews, either heathen, either servants, either free; and all we be filled with drink [or have drunk] in one Spirit.
14 For the body is not one member, but many.
15 If the foot shall say, For I am not the hand, I am not of the body; not therefore it is not of the body.
16 And if the ear saith, For I am not the eye, I am not of the body; not therefore it is not of the body.
17 If all the body is the eye, where is [the] hearing? and if all the body is hearing, where is [the] smelling?
18 But now God hath set [or put] members, and each of them in the body, as he would.
19 And if all were one member, where were the body?
20 But now there be many members, but one body.
21 And the eye may not say to the hand, I have no need to thy works; or again the head to the feet, Ye be not necessary to me.
22 But much more those that be seen to be the lower members of the body, [or the more sick], be more needful;
23 and those that we guess to be the unworthier [or the unnobler] members of the body, to them we give more honour; and those members that be unhonest, have more honesty.
24 For our honest members have need of none; but God tempered the body, giving more worship to it, to whom it failed,
25 that debate be not in the body, but that the members be busy into the same thing each for other [or for each other].
26 And if one member suffereth any-thing, all members suffer therewith; either if one member joyeth [or glorieth], all members joy together.
27 And ye be the body of Christ, and members of member.
28 But God set some men in the church, first apostles, the second time prophets [or the second prophets], the third teachers, afterward virtues, afterward graces of healings, helpings, governings, kinds of languages, interpretations of words.
29 Whether all [be] apostles? whether all [be] prophets? whether all teachers? whether all virtues?
30 whether all have grace of healings? whether all speak with languages? whether all expound [or interpret]?
31 But pursue ye the better ghostly gifts. And yet I show to you a more excellent, [or worthy], way.