1 After that God said to him, “Soon that big rain will fall. Hurry, get in the boat, you and yours. You (sg) alone are characterised by goodness, you alone have been listening to me. For that reason I will keep you and yours alive.
2-3 Take inside those (previously referred to) animals and birds. Put them in accordance with my word. Take birds, 7 pairs of one kind, 7 pairs of another kind, different kinds. And take tame animals the same way, 7 pairs. And of the remaining animals take pair by pair, different kinds.
4 I will send rain. It will really pour down, day after day. For 40 days truly. The big flood will kill those outside the boat.”
5 Noah entered the boat because of God's word. And he took his wife and children and their wives and the animals and birds. They all entered.
6 Then God shut the door.
10 After that a big rain fell.
11 And from under the ground a flood came bubbling up also.
12 Rain fell for 40 days. It was falling hard, it really poured, it kept on falling.
19-20 There was a really big flood. The water lifted the boat like flotsam, it stayed on top of the water. The flood completely covered the hills and trees.
21-23 The father and sons and their wives and the animals stayed alive in the boat. The flood killed the remaining animals and all the people, everything outside.
7:24—8:3 God was caring for those who were in the boat. He sent a wind. After that the flood abated. It was going down slowly for 4 months. They were staying in the boat a long time, they were waiting for the flood to go down.