1 Among the other animals the snake was really clever. The snake asked the woman, “What did God say to you? 'You should not eat food from all the trees at the water-hole'? Like that did God say to you?”
2 The woman said to him, “We (two) can eat from some/the rest of the trees from the water-hole/camp.
3 God said to us, 'From one tree only, in the middle of the camp in the thick trees, from that do not eat food, and do not touch that tree for fear of dying'.”
4 The snake said to her, he lied, “You will not die.
5 If you eat (after eating) from that tree, you will become like God, knowing about good and about bad. God doesn't like that. To avoid that he said to you, 'Don't eat from that tree'.” With deceit the snake said to her, “Don't listen to God.”
6 The woman was looking at the food, looking with interest, it was good. She was thinking, “That food will make me knowledgeable.” The woman wanted to become knowledgeable, like God. Then she went to that tree, broke off food, ate it. She gave some to her husband. He also ate it.
7 They understood, they saw themselves that they were naked. Then they became ashamed. Because of that they made for themselves pubic covers from big leaves.
8 In the evening they heard the footsteps of God while he was walking at the water-hole. With fear they hid themselves among the trees on account of God.
9 God called to the man, “Where are you(sg)?”
10 He replied, “Yes, I heard you walking at the water-hole. I was naked. Because of that I was afraid, I hid from you.
11 God asked him, “How did you learn you were naked? From that tree, the One that Teaches People About Good and Bad, did you eat food from that?”
12 The man said to him, “You gave me this woman. She [emphasised] gave me (food) from that tree. I ate the food.”
13 God asked the woman, “What did you do?” She said to him, “The snake deceived me. I ate because of his word.”
14-15 God said to the snake, “You did very badly. In response I will truly do evil to you, not to the rest of the animals, only to you. On your stomach [emphasised] you will go. You will eat dust always. I will make you dislike the woman. I will make the woman dislike you. Your children and those of the woman will look at each other in anger. The/A child of the woman will truly bruise your head. You truly will bruise his heel.”
16 To the woman he said, “I will give you a lot of pain when you have a child. Knowing about pain when you have a child, continually you will long for a/the man. He will be a boss for you truly.”
17-19 Then God said to the man, “I told you not to eat that food. You didn't listen to me. Because of your wife's word you ate food from that tree. In response I will make the country bad. Spinifex and prickles and those sorts of things will appear. You will search for food always. You will dig hard for food, Every day you will be exhausted, you will sweat hard getting food to eat. (Lit., “Every day you will break, truly sweat will eat you.”) After dying you will become dust. I made you from the ground. From the dust I made you. After dying you will become dust again.
20 That man gave his wife the name Eve. She is the mother for us all.
21 Then God made clothes from animal skins for them, for Adam and his wife, God put them on them.
22 Then he said, “The man didn't listen to me, he already ate from the tree that makes knowledgeable. He is now like us, he knows/understands about good and bad. He might eat from that other tree, from the one that keeps alive. After that he will live always, he will stay without death. I will prevent him lest he eat.”
23 God sent those two from that water-hole in Eden. He sent them away to dig the ground, to put foods in the ground, to cause their foods to come up.
24 After that God put an angel [English word phonemicised] east of that water-hole, and a big cutting thing, like a big knife. The point of that big cutting thing was going in every direction, and it was flashing. God told that angel, “You are to stop the man/people from entering close to that tree, to that tree that keeps alive.”