The King of Glory Entering Zion.
A Psalm of David.
The Aearth is the Loʀᴅ’s, and 1all it contains,
The Bworld, and those who dwell in it.
For He has Afounded it upon the seas
And established it upon the rivers.
Who may Aascend into the Bhill of the Loʀᴅ?
And who may stand in His holy Cplace?
He who has Aclean hands and a Bpure heart,
Who has not Clifted up his soul 1to falsehood
And has not Dsworn deceitfully.
He shall receive a Ablessing from the Loʀᴅ
And 1Brighteousness from the God of his salvation.
1This is the generation of those who Aseek Him,
Who seek Your faceeven Jacob. 2Selah.
ALift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O 1ancient doors,
That the King of Bglory may come in!
Who is the King of glory?
The Loʀᴅ Astrong and mighty,
The Loʀᴅ Bmighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O gates,
And lift them up, O 1ancient doors,
That the King of Aglory may come in!
10  Who is this King of glory?
The Loʀᴅ of Ahosts,
He is the King of glory. Selah.
A 24:1 1 Cor 10:26 1 24:1 Lit its fullness B 24:1 Ps 89:11 A 24:2 Ps 104:3, 5; 136:6 A 24:3 Ps 15:1 B 24:3 Ps 2:6 C 24:3 Ps 65:4 A 24:4 Job 17:9; Ps 22:30; 26:6 B 24:4 Ps 51:10; 73:1; Matt 5:8 C 24:4 Ezek 18:15 1 24:4 Or in vain D 24:4 Ps 15:4 A 24:5 Ps 115:13 1 24:5 I.e. as vindicated B 24:5 Ps 36:10 1 24:6 Or Such A 24:6 Ps 27:4, 8 2 24:6 Selah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interlude A 24:7 Ps 118:20; Is 26:2 1 24:7 Lit everlasting B 24:7 Ps 29:2, 9; 97:6; Acts 7:2; 1 Cor 2:8 A 24:8 Deut 4:34; Ps 96:7 B 24:8 Ex 15:3, 6; Ps 76:3-6 1 24:9 Lit everlasting A 24:9 Ps 26:8; 57:11 A 24:10 Gen 32:2; Josh 5:14; 2 Sam 5:10; Neh 9:6