Thanksgiving for the Loʀᴅ’s Saving Goodness.
AGive thanks to the Loʀᴅ, for BHe is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Oh let AIsrael say,
“His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
Oh let the Ahouse of Aaron say,
“His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
Oh let those Awho 1fear the Loʀᴅ say,
“His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
From my Adistress I called upon 1the Loʀᴅ;
1The Loʀᴅ answered me and Bset me in a large place.
The Loʀᴅ is Afor me; I will Bnot fear;
CWhat can man do to me?
The Loʀᴅ is for me Aamong those who help me;
Therefore I will Blook with satisfaction on those who hate me.
It is Abetter to take refuge in the Loʀᴅ
Than to trust in man.
It is Abetter to take refuge in the Loʀᴅ
Than to trust in princes.
10  All nations Asurrounded me;
In the name of the Loʀᴅ I will surely Bcut them off.
11 They Asurrounded me, yes, they surrounded me;
In the name of the Loʀᴅ I will surely cut them off.
12 They surrounded me Alike bees;
They were extinguished as a Bfire of thorns;
In the name of the Loʀᴅ I will surely cut them off.
13 You Apushed me violently so that I 1was falling,
But the Loʀᴅ Bhelped me.
14  1AThe Loʀᴅ is my strength and song,
And He has become Bmy salvation.
15 The sound of Ajoyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous;
The Bright hand of the Loʀᴅ does valiantly.
16 The Aright hand of the Loʀᴅ is exalted;
The right hand of the Loʀᴅ does valiantly.
17 I Awill not die, but live,
And Btell of the works of 1the Loʀᴅ.
18  1The Loʀᴅ has Adisciplined me severely,
But He has Bnot given me over to death.
19  AOpen to me the gates of righteousness;
I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to 1the Loʀᴅ.
20  This is the gate of the Loʀᴅ;
The Arighteous will enter through it.
21 I shall give thanks to You, for You have Aanswered me,
And You have Bbecome my salvation.
22 The Astone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief corner stone.
23  This is 1the Loʀᴅ’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
24  This is the day which the Loʀᴅ has made;
Let us Arejoice and be glad in it.
25  O Loʀᴅ, Ado save, we beseech You;
O Loʀᴅ, we beseech You, do send Bprosperity!
26  ABlessed is the one who comes in the name of the Loʀᴅ;
We have Bblessed you from the house of the Loʀᴅ.
27  AThe Loʀᴅ is God, and He has given us Blight;
Bind the festival sacrifice with cords 1to the Chorns of the altar.
28  AYou are my God, and I give thanks to You;
You are my God, BI extol You.
29  AGive thanks to the Loʀᴅ, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
A 118:1 1 Chr 16:8, 34; Ps 106:1; 107:1; Jer 33:11 B 118:1 2 Chr 5:13; 7:3; Ezra 3:11; Ps 100:5; 136:1-26 A 118:2 Ps 115:9 A 118:3 Ps 115:10 A 118:4 Ps 115:11 1 118:4 Or revere A 118:5 Ps 18:6; 86:7; 120:1 1 118:5 Heb Yᴀʜ 1 118:5 Heb Yᴀʜ B 118:5 Ps 18:19 A 118:6 Job 19:27; Ps 56:9; Heb 13:6 B 118:6 Ps 23:4; 27:1 C 118:6 Ps 56:4, 11 A 118:7 Ps 54:4 B 118:7 Ps 54:7; 59:10 A 118:8 2 Chr 32:7, 8; Ps 40:4; 108:12; Is 31:1, 3; 57:13; Jer 17:5 A 118:9 Ps 146:3 A 118:10 Ps 3:6; 88:17 B 118:10 Ps 18:40 A 118:11 Ps 88:17 A 118:12 Deut 1:44 B 118:12 Ps 58:9; Nah 1:10 A 118:13 Ps 140:4 1 118:13 Or fell B 118:13 Ps 86:17 1 118:14 Heb Yᴀʜ A 118:14 Ex 15:2; Is 12:2 B 118:14 Ps 27:1 A 118:15 Ps 68:3 B 118:15 Ex 15:6; Ps 89:13; Luke 1:51 A 118:16 Ex 15:6; Ps 89:13 A 118:17 Ps 6:5; 116:8, 9; Hab 1:12 B 118:17 Ps 73:28; 107:22 1 118:17 Heb Yᴀʜ 1 118:18 Heb Yᴀʜ A 118:18 Ps 73:14; Jer 31:18; 1 Cor 11:32; 2 Cor 6:9 B 118:18 Ps 86:13 A 118:19 Is 26:2 1 118:19 Heb Yᴀʜ A 118:20 Ps 15:1, 2; 24:3-6; 140:13; Is 35:8; Rev 22:14 A 118:21 Ps 116:1; 118:5 B 118:21 Ps 118:14 A 118:22 Matt 21:42; Mark 12:10, 11; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Eph 2:20; 1 Pet 2:7 1 118:23 Lit from the Loʀᴅ A 118:24 Ps 31:7 A 118:25 Ps 106:47 B 118:25 Ps 122:6, 7 A 118:26 Matt 21:9; 23:39; Mark 11:9; Luke 13:35; 19:38; John 12:13 B 118:26 Ps 129:8 A 118:27 1 Kin 18:39 B 118:27 Esth 8:16; Ps 18:28; 27:1; 1 Pet 2:9 1 118:27 Lit unto C 118:27 Ex 27:2 A 118:28 Ps 63:1; 140:6 B 118:28 Ex 15:2; Is 25:1 A 118:29 Ps 118:1