And now, thus said YHWH, Your Creator, O Jacob, and your Fashioner, O Israel: Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, || I have called on your nameyou [are] Mine. When you pass into waters, I [am] with you, || And into floods, they do not overflow you, || When you go into fire, you are not burned, || And a flame does not burn against you. For Iyour God YHWH, || The Holy One of Israel, your Savior, || I have appointed Egypt your atonement, || Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you were precious in My eyes, || You were honored, and I have loved you, || And I appoint men in your stead, || And peoples instead of your life. Do not be afraid, for I [am] with you, || I bring in your seed from the east, || And I gather you from the west. I am saying to the north, “Give up,” || And to the south, “Do not restrain.” Bring in My sons from afar, || And My daughters from the end of the earth. Everyone who is called by My Name, || Even for My glory I have created him, || I have formed him, indeed, I have made him. He brought out a blind people who have eyes, || And deaf ones who have ears. All the nations have been gathered together, || And the peoples are assembled, || Who among them declares this, || And causes us to hear former things? They give their witnesses, || And they are declared righteous, || And they hear and say, “Truth.” 10 You [are] My witnesses, a declaration of YHWH, || And My servant whom I have chosen, || So that you know and give credence to Me, || And understand that I [am] He, || Before Me there was no God formed, || And after Me there is none. 11 I [am] YHWH, || And besides Me there is no savior. 12 I declared, and saved, and proclaimed, || And there is no stranger with you, || And you [are] My witnesses, a declaration of YHWH, || And I [am] God. 13 Even from the day I [am] He, || And there is no deliverer from My hand, || I work, and who turns it back? 14 Thus said YHWH, your Redeemer, || The Holy One of Israel: “I have sent to Babylon for your sake, || And caused bars to descendall of them, || And the Chaldeans, whose song [is] in the ships. 15 I [am] YHWH, your Holy One, || Creator of Israel, your King.” 16 Thus said YHWH, || Who is giving a way in the sea, || And a path in the strong waters. 17 Who is bringing forth chariot and horse, || A force, even a strong one: “They lie down togetherthey do not rise, || They have been extinguished, || They have been quenched as flax.” 18 Do not remember former things, || And do not consider ancient things. 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs up, || Do you not know it? Indeed, I put a way in a wilderness, || In a desolate placefloods. 20 The beast of the field honors Me, || Dragons and daughters of an ostrich, || For I have given waters in a wilderness, || Floods in a desolate place, || To give drink to My peopleMy chosen. 21 I have formed this people for Myself, || They recount My praise. 22 And you have not called Me, O Jacob, || For you have been wearied of Me, O Israel, 23 You have not brought to Me, || The lamb of your burnt-offerings, || And [with] your sacrifices you have not honored Me, || I have not caused you to serve with a present, || Nor wearied you with frankincense. 24 You have not bought Me sweet cane with money, || And have not filled Me [with] the fat of your sacrifices, || Only—you have caused Me to serve with your sins, || You have wearied Me with your iniquities. 25 I [am] He who is blotting out Your transgressions for My own sake, || And I do not remember your sins. 26 Cause Me to rememberwe are judged together, || Declare that you may be justified. 27 Your first father sinned, || And your interpreters transgressed against Me, 28 And I defile princes of the sanctuary, || And I give Jacob to destruction, and Israel to revilings!