Songs and poems
(From the book in the Holy Bible called Psalms)
Only people that live in a good way can visit God’s ceremony house
This is one of David’s songs for God.
God, who do you let visit your ceremony house to show you respect?
Who do you let live there on your special hill?
I know the sort of people that God lets in his ceremony house.
You can visit God’s ceremony house, if you are like this.
You always live in a good way,
and always do the right thing,
and only say true things.
You don’t tell lies about people,
and you don’t do bad things to people,
and you don’t say bad things about people to shame them.
You never respect really bad people,
but you respect people that properly respect God.
You always keep your promises.
Maybe it will be hard,
maybe it will hurt you to keep those promises,
but you still keep them.
And whenever somebody needs help,
you let them borrow your money.
And later on, when they pay you back that money,
you only take that same money that they borrowed from you,
you don’t make them pay you any more money on top of that.
And another thing. If somebody says to you,
I want you to go to court and tell lies about good people.
I will pay you money to tell those lies.”
You always say, “No, I can’t tell lies about people.”
All of those things that I just talked about in this song,
everybody that lives that way will always be really strong for God.