Yesus yrok yasen
Ayõ ro minggu rabu momo toni, fnya weto mbo botkif wana ro ana siwyan beta oh tna mbo masen mamoʼt isra reto. Snok mam weto tna mmat fraa ro taa muut isra wa reto to, raa mririk oh. Tna isra mato maa sai. Tibyo ana twok mam isra mato reto, he fri hai ro Tuhan Yesus reto fee. Tibyo ana mros tna mnaut tna mtu kʼanya mawe, “Bawya mno mefo?” Menohe raa sme mabo ewok frok tubor mama mros kene msya ana. Raa weto myum ratan ro ngkren mboh fyok. Fnya weto waa toni mrok tetet. Tibyo maka mabum. Tna raa mabo ewok reto mawe kʼana mawe, “Fyi re anu saso Ait ro yhau yaam mam befo fo? Ako mato refo fo, yuk ro ja raa mse hai. Ait yarak. Ait yrok yasen oh! Nnaut bawya ro tiwya Ait ykyas kʼanu mam ati ro anu nhau mam Galilea fares. Tiwya Ait yawe, 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai' retait tait, kbe raa msan kʼraa ro mno iro. Ana weto kbe mame Ait yajat mam ara warok. Tna kbe ti ro tuuf to, Ait yrok yasen.” Fnya weto mari bo reto tna mnaut bokyas ro Yesus reto. Ana hah me mamo. Tna mkyas bo weto beta kuber wAit mabo 11 reto msya raa roto ro kro Ait beta. 10 Fnya ro mkyas bo weto kʼraabis wAit to, ana masom sor oh mefo: Maria Magdalena, msya Yohana, msya Maria ro Yakobus yme, tna msya fnya roto ro riwai msya ana mamo mmat he Yesus yarak. 11 Menohe kuber wAit weto mnaut mawe fnya weto sioh-sah sai. Ana mari bokyas ro fnya weto mawe fee.
12 Tna fo Petrus yasen yhoh yamo ymat isra mato reto. Ait yaka koyo ymat mam isra mato. He hawee ro raa sro Yesus mesait aran mbris mam weto. Tibyo Petrus hah ye yamo. Tna ynaut myum-yam yawe, “Bo bawya ro mno mefo.”
Mam iso ro mamoʼt Emaus
13 Ayõ reto ye kuber ro Yesus wAit mabo ewok mamoʼt remo sau ro masom Emaus. Mbam Yerusalem mamoʼt remo reto kilo mara 11 bo feto. 14 Ana mbewok mamo mam iso miyõ reto to, tna ana mbewok mkyas bo yase ro mnin-nin mam Yerusalem reto. 15 Ana mbewok mkyas bo weto nkri-kri tna mtu bo kʼanya si fo, tna Yesus yesait yama yo kʼana kait tna yamo su ysya ana. 16 Ana mmat Yesus, menohe bo sau mburut ana masu wa tibyo ana mhar Ait fee. 17 Tna Yesus yawe, “Anu nkyas bawya mefo?” Ana mbewok susu mros mkah masu ro sraujin. 18 Ana mbewok weto sait yasom Kleopas. Ait yawe kʼYesus yawe, “Nyõ nari bo aro fefares a? Nyõ nesait aran raa srim mam Yerusalem re wase bo yase ro mfo mnin-nin mam beto to fea!” 19 Yesus ytu bo kʼana yawe, “Bawya meto?” Ana mawe, “Bo ro taa raa mno kʼYesus, raa ro ybam Nazaret retait. Ait tait nabi ro Allah ybis yama. Ait yhar bo ykyas watum ro mbam Allah to, ykyas kaket. Tna yatak yno bo ro msai ye. Raa ksoh Ait ye tna yno Allah yhaf mnan ye. 20 Menohe Imam manes ro agama Yahudi msya raa mabi wamu to, moo Ait msan kʼraa mame yajat mam ara warok. 21 Ti tuuf yhai. Menohe tiwya amu ninaut nwe Ait oh mi raa ro yama yfes raa ro Israel. Amu ninaut nwe Ait kbe yai raa ro mamo byoh kʼamu tna yno riof kʼanu. 22-23 Tna rabu momo fo, fnya wamu baro mamoʼt isra wore raa mse ajat rAit reto. Mamo tna mmat he ajat reto marak! Ana hah me mawe kʼamu mawe ana mmat malaikat mabo baro sor. Tna malaikat weto mkyas bo kʼana mawe Yesus yrok yasen oh! 24 Tna raa wamu baro mamo mmat isra reto ye. Menohe mabo mfi bo ro riwai fnya mkyas weto ye. Mmat he ajat reto marak ye.”
25 Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Anu raa ro wase bo! Tiwya Allah ybis nabi sor mama mkyas bo rAit. Menohe anu nhaf matak tna niwana bombra ro ana mkyas beta! 26 Yako hawe sai Mesias tru kair ro mnan feto wia, tna kbe Ait ykai bobot rAit ro mase to.” 27 Tna Yesus betoo Watum ro Allah kʼana mbam aam ro Musa ykom snok mam aam ro nabi aro sor mkom. Ait betoo bokom beta ro mkyas Ait kʼana re mhar ye.
28 Kene ye msya remo ro ana mbewok mamo reto to, Yesus yawe mfi bo yamo bait yiwrek sai yamo. 29 Menohe ana mberoh toni wesi Ait mawe, “Hreha oh, ngkinine mti ye oh. Nhau nsya amu mam befo wia.” Tibyo Yesus yari feto tna twok yhau ysya ana.
30 Ati ro ana mbewok hre tna msya Ait mait boit su to, Yesus yoo roti ybo tna yayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Tna Ait haber roti reto saim kʼana mait. 31 Tibyo mam ati reto to, ana mrok mhar mawe Ait retait Yesus. Menohe Ait yrok yarak sai tubor. 32 Ana mkyas kʼanya mawe, “Riwai Ait betoo Bokom ro Allah kʼanu mam iso maka iti to, anu smut ksoh!”
33 Ayõ reto ye ana mbewok reto masen hah me mamoʼt Yerusalem. Mam beto tna ana fri kuber ro Yesus mabo 11 weto beta msya mafoh na makin taro sor hre kri-kri wea. 34 Ana weto mkyas bo mawe, “Mabo oh! Tuhan yrok yasen, tna fo yerif Ait kʼSimon-Petrus!” 35 Tna ana mbewok masen mkyas mawe Yesus yerif Ait kʼana mam iso tna yamo su ysya ana ye. Mkyas mawe ana wase Ait wea mam weto. Tna wore wo Ait haber roti re yee kʼana mait to, ana mbewok mhar Ait ye.
Yesus yerif Ait kuber wAit
36 Ana hre mkyas bo kri-kri fares, menohe Yesus frok tubor yros susai ysya ana. Tna yawe, “Waa ma.” 37 Ana mnaut mawe berwanah oh mi snok tubor mawe bo kʼana meto. Tibyo ana mrok waa tna tetet. 38 Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Fyi re anu waa to? Nnaut bo maut-mroh to ma! 39 Nmat ye tatem aJõ msya taa aJõ mefo. Sasas Jõ tna haninin ye. Anu nhar nwe ja berwanah to, kwiyan msya mtai aro ye mnan fi Jõ fefo fe mfe a?” 40 Yesus ykyas feto tna yerif naat ro yaa rAit msya yatem rAit bo kʼana. 41 Ana simaut toni tna miskawowo fares. Tibyo ana mnaut mamo-me fares. Tna Ait yawe, “Anu nse boit aro mam befo fe mfe a?” 42 Ana masen moo syoh mabuf ro saruk sau mee kʼAit. 43 Tna Ait yoo yabo wore wo ana beta mmat ye.
44 Tna Yesus yawe, “Tiwya thau tsya anu fares to, tkyas tawe, ‘Mam Bokom ro Allah to, Musa ysya nabi na msya raa ro mkom aam ro Mazmur to, mkyas Jõ tasom. Tna bombra ro ana weto mkom oh to, beta kbe mabo mnan bo ro ana mkom to ye.’ ” 45 Tna Yesus yno ana makit wana maah afo re ana mhar Bokom ro Allah. 46 Ait yawe, “Bokom ro Allah mawe, ‘Mesias kbe ykai bo ro samyoh mai kʼAit, tna yhai ye. Tna mam ti ro tuuf kbe Allah yno Ait yrok yasen.’ 47 Tna Bokom ro Allah mkyas mawe ‘Mesias kbe ybis raa mamo mkyas Ait yasom.’ Ana weto kbe mawe kʼraa mawe, ‘Nashana tna kbe Allah yyon iro wanu.’ Bo refo kbe raa mkyas mam Yerusalem tinyi wia, tna fo mamo snok mam bangsa beta ye. 48 Anu nmat bo samyoh weto ro mai kʼJõ oh, mnan Bokom ro Allah mkyas. Anu nmat mabo rau oh to. Anu nmat oh tna kbe nsen nkyas bo weto kʼraa. 49 Tiwya Allah ysi yawe kbe yatak rAit matam raa. Tna kbe tbis tak ro mbam Allah reto mama matam anu. Tawe nhau mam Yerusalem wea ste tak reto mama.”
Yesus yaut yamoʼt sawro ro Allah
50 Yesus yakah ana weto yamo kene mam remo ro Betania. Mam beto tna Ait yitbat yatem rAit tna skabuk yawe Allah yno bo moof kʼana. 51 Skabuk ana kri-kri fo, tna Allah tubat Ait yaut yamoʼt sawro rAit. 52 Ana mbaut Ait. Tna ana hah mamoʼt Yerusalem mkah simaut rana mase toni.
53 Ja rabu wawa ana mamoʼt Samu ro Allah tna ana bibi Ait yoyo.