Aam ro Paulus Ykom tna Tiim Mamoʼt Jemaat ro
Paulus ymah meen kʼraa Kristen ro mhau mam provinsi ro Galatia
Aam refo fo mbam kʼjõ, Paulus. Jõ fi raabis ro Yesus Kristus ysya Allah. Yesus Kristus tiwya yajat menohe Yaja Allah yno re Ait yrok yasen. Ana mbewok oh mi mbis jõ tamo tkyas watum refo. Raa ro tabam refo aro mbis jõ fee. Jõ tsya raa makin ro kro Kristus nmah meen tna tiim aam refo kʼanu, jemaat makin ro nhau mam provinsi ro Galatia. Amu skabuk Bja Allah, re Ait ysya Tuhan Yesus Kristus matmof anu tna mno re anu nhau nhaf tnok ye. Tiwya Kristus ymat iro wanu tibyo yoo yetsu rAit ysan yawe raa mame Ait yajat. Reto oh mi Ait yake safo wanu. Mfo wefo fo arin mkair toni: Raa ro wase Ait to ja mno-na bo sai. Arin mkair tibyo Bja Allah yawe Kristus yama yoo riof yee kʼanu. Nma, anu bbaut Bja Allah mamo snok mam hame wajin. Amin: Mabo oh!
Bokyas Moof ro Kristus to sau aran sai. Iso roto aro fee
Taja, tme, tao, tano na; anu fo tna sai kro Kristus. Allah ytu anu mkah boatmof ro Kristus yawe anu nmo raa wAit. Menohe mfo refo jõ tari he anu nri bokyas roto sau. Ayoh ee! Anu haberek kbor kʼAllah! Tna jõ waa: Anu nri bokyas reto mfi Bokyas ro Moof (Injil) meto. Ebokfi bokyas reto bokyas ro sre meto. Bokyas ro anu nri reto to, mnan si Bokyas Moof ro Kristus meto fee! Raa mkbair sau mama mkyas bokyas roto reto kʼanu. Ana mama ksoh mno re anu nantutu. Tibyo anu nnaut mamo-me tna wase bokyas ro ati to miyo! Bo ro ana mkyas reto to, miwer Bokyas Moof ro Kristus. Ana mkyas bo ro mabo fee. Jõ tawe kʼanu tawe, “Mfi raa sait yama yo kʼanu tna ykyas bokyas roto kʼanu yawe, ‘Bokyas ajõ refo to Bokyas Moof ro Yesus!’ Nri ait ma!” Mfi bo meen amu nesait soh mfe, malaikat ro mbam sawro ro Allah mama mkyas bokyas roto, nri bo kʼana weto ma! Awya sai ro ykyas bo sre tait, kbe Allah yno ayoh mroh kʼait! Tna bo ro riwai reto to, jõ tawe te tkyas u kʼanu tawe, “Mfi bo raa awya sai ykyas bokyas roto kʼanu tna yawe, ‘Bokyas ajõ refo Bokyas Moof ro Yesus!’ Nri ait ma! Mfi bokyas rait reto miwer Bokyas ro Yesus tiwya anu smot meto; meen Allah yno ayoh mroh kʼait!”
10 Jõ tkyas bo mabo sai tna raa taro hawe jõ. Anu nnaut fyi? Jõ tno bo re kbe raa mhaf mnan jõ to fe mfe a? Mfe, jõ tno bo ro moof re kbe Allah yhaf mnan jõ. Mfi bo jõ tkyas bo tna tno bo afo re raa mhaf mnan jõ to, soh tno feto jõ tnan sryan ro tno bo ro mfi raabis ro Kristus rAit to fee.
Paulus yamo raabis ro Allah to, yari bo ro Allah yesait ybis ait
11 Taja, tme, tao, tano na; nhar oh, nnaut oh: Bokyas ro Kristus tiwya tkyas kʼanu to, mbam raa ro tabam refo meto fee. 12 Bokyas reto raa ro tabam refo mkyas kʼjõ tinyi fee. Mama mbam guru aro fee ye. Menohe Yesus Kristus oh mi yasbrah Bokyas reto kʼjõ to. 13-14 Tiwya weto to, tmat bokom raa ro agama Yahudi to kaket. Bo mafa msya bosmot weto to, amu hohos na wamu tiwya mbo mno ye. Tna jõ mur-mur kro bo mafa wana miwer tafoh wojõ na. Tna jõ somya agama reto mamo renti ye.* Feto to jõ safo toni saka raa ro kro Kristus. Anu nri bo ro jõ tno oh: Tiwya jõ simoyot raa ro kro Kristus. Tna jõ siko tawe tno jemaat ro Allah safe mkak. 15 Menohe tiwya wore jõ thau mam tme mhaf fares to, Allah ysok jõ oh. Tamo snok tanes tna wase tawe Yesus tait Ku ro Allah yare metait fefares. Tna mam ati ro Allah ksoh to, Ait yatmof jõ, ytu jõ tna yawe tamo tkyas Bokyas Moof ro Yesus. 16 Yatmof jõ, tna yasbrah Ku rAit kʼjõ re kbe jõ thar he Yesus yamo Mesias ranu. Thar tawe Ait oh mi Raa ro Allah ysok yamo raa sotak ranu. Allah yasbrah Ku rAit kʼjõ afo re tasen tamo tkyas Ait yasom. Raa mana ro Yahudi to, tkyas Ait yasom kʼana fee. Tkyas Ait kʼraa ro mbam raa mana roto makin. Tamo tkyas kʼana tawe, “Yesus tait Ku ro Allah yare.” Ati reto to, jõ tasen tamo fooh ttu bo kʼraa ro tabam refo wia fee. 17 Tamoʼt Yerusalem to kʼraabis (rasul) roto taro fee ye. Ana mamo raabis ro Kristus wia matim tna mhar bo oh, menohe jõ tamo ttu bo kʼana wia fee. Jõ tasen tamo to kʼraa ro mhau mam oo ro Arab wia tna hah te tamoʼt kota ro Damsyik u.
18 Tahun trion tuuf firwas tna tasen tamoʼt Yerusalem. Jõ tamo hre su tsya Kefas (Petrus) tna tsya ait thau ti trion 15 bo feto. 19 Thau mam tno to, jõ fri Tuhan Yesus yao Yakobus ye. Menohe jõ fri raabis roto aro fee. Fri ana mbewok aran sai. 20 (Bawya ro jõ tkom kʼanu refo to mabo tu oh. Allah yhar yawe jõ sioh anu fee.) 21 Tna tbam Yerusalem jõ tasen tamoʼt provinsi ro Siria msya provinsi ro Kilikia. 22 Ati weto to, raa jemaat ro kro Kristus mam provinsi ro Yudea to, ana mmat jõ mkah masu fefares. 23 Ana mari raa mkyas jõ sai mawe, “Paulus ro tiwya simoyot raa ro kro Kristus to, mfo yesait smot Kristus tna ykyas yasom rAit kʼraa.” 24 Ana to mari bo jõ tashana smot Yesus feto tibyo mbaut Allah.
* 1:13-14 Raa mkyas 'Yahudi' to maja rau trion ewok: Ro sau to, mkyas raa mana sau. Ana oh mi kube ro bi Abraham, Ishak msya Yakub. Tiwya tinyi ana weto ja mkyas mai ro Ibrani. Tna raa mtu ana mawe 'raa ro Israel' ye. Ro ewok to, mkyas agama rana. Ana weto ja kro Watum ro Allah tiwya yoo yee kʼMusa. Paulus tait tiwya kro agama Yahudi. Reto oh mi tiwya ait yari Watum ro Musa weto to, siko ybo yno beta. Menohe Paulus yamo raa ro kro Kristus. Tna yhar yawe raa mari Watum ro Musa msya bo mafa raa ro Yahudi roto taro to, bo ro ati fee. Watum reto kbe misoh iranya rana msya Allah fee. Ait fi raa mana ro Yahudi fares. Menohe kro agama reto u fee. Mamo snok mfo refo to, raa mana ro Yahudi mawat mhau fares mam rabin ro Palestina tna mam oo roto taro mam tabam refo ye. Tna ana mawat kro Watum ro Musa fares, tna taro kro Kristus. 1:18 Ati weto to, raa mawat masom Petrus. Feto to ja raa mtu bi ait refi yasom Kefas ye.