

Meriam Mir Bible

Language: [ulk]Meriam MirMeriam
Title:Meriam Mir BibleMeriam Mir Bible
Abbreviation:ID: ULKWBT or ulk1902
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The Four Gospels in the Murray Island or Mer Language of Australia

Abele absaimarsaimar Ade ra omare gesepem, gako E ikuar abara Uerem netate, epe nole eud kak, abele le abi oituli, mamoro E nagri eded aseamur kak.

—John 3:16

Meriam Mir Bible

The Four Gospels in the Murray Island or Mer Language of Australia

Public Domain
Language: Meriam Mir (Meriam)

This Bible translation is in the Public Domain (not copyrighted) due to copyright expiration.
